A Few Questions With... Diego Robelo

“A Few Questions With…” is a series featuring some of Ally’s partners across the globe. Our goal is to get to know the people who make coffee happen a little better, to talk about their work, and to look forward toward their vision of where coffee is headed. We’re thankful for these relationships that we get to be a part of, and excited to have the opportunity to let these folks tell you about themselves in their own words.

Diego Robelo is a coffee producer and the General Manager of Aquiares Estate in Turrialba, Costa Rica. He took over operations at the farm from his father Alfonso, who was responsible for transforming Aquiares into the thriving farm and 1,800 person community that it is today. Diego leads Aquiares with a fresh approach to specialty coffee production, constantly exploring the farm’s potential through excellent agricultural management, the adoption of new varieties, and experimenting with post-harvest processing, all while maintaining a commitment to environmental sustainability and social equity for the people who live and work on the property. We’re proud to continue our partnership with Diego, entering its fifth year of working together to move coffee forward.

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