Core Coffees From Ally

Ally’s Core Coffee program features green coffees which represent the classic profiles of some of the world’s best known coffee origins. Core Coffees are named for their respective origin’s national tree, celebrating the culture and the natural environment from which they came.

Our green coffee buyers in Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Ethiopia select coffees that embody the essence of each origin’s traditional cup characteristics, always ensuring consistency from lot to lot, crop year to crop year. This dedication to quality and consistency results in coffees that roasters and coffee drinkers alike can rely on, whether that be as a single origin offering or as part of a favorite blend to return to time and time again.

Read on to learn more about our Core Coffees from Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, and Guatemala.

Coffee producer on tractor with rows of coffee plantsA coffee producer tending to their coffee in Cerrado Mineiro, Brazil. Photo credit: Cerrado Coffee Growers Federation

Brazil - Paubrasil

Paubrasil green coffee provides two different profiles from South America’s largest coffee producing country, Brazil.

Paubrasil Natural is sourced from coffee producers certified as part of the Regiao Cerrado Mineiro Designation of Origin program. Each lot of coffee is traceable back to the farms on which it was grown via a QR code compiled by the Designation of Origin program. Certified coffees are grown on farms in an area encompassing 55 municipalities that produce coffees with a unique identity, resulting from the combination of climate, soil, terrain, elevation, and the know-how of producers.
Cup profile: Dried Cherry, Almond, Dark Chocolate
Growing Region: Cerrado Mineiro

Paubrasil Washed comes to us from Chapada de Minas and Oeste Baiano. While Brazilian green coffee is most commonly associated with Natural and Pulped Natural post-harvest processes, Paubrasil Washed provides a clean, sweet, and pleasant cup which highlights a lesser-seen side of the country’s coffee production.
Cup profile: Caramel, Milk Chocolate, Citrus
Growing Regions: Chapada de Minas, Oeste Baiano

Coffee cherries growingCoffee cherries growing in Pitalito, Huila, Colombia.

Colombia - Palmera

Offered in traditional Washed and Ethyl Acetate (EA) Decaffeinated preparations, Palmera Core Coffee celebrates the mild and familiar flavors of Colombian coffee.

Palmera is sourced from smallholder producers throughout Huila, Colombia in the southwest portion of the country. The Department of Huila itself occupies the Central and Eastern ranges of the Colombian Andes, which are separated in the Department by the Magdalena River. Its geography provides a variety of climatic conditions and elevations, contributing to the range of microclimates that producers enjoy on their farms. Thanks to the terroir created by these microclimates and the nitrogen-rich soil across the coffee growing areas of the Department, coffees from Huila have an earned reputation for quality and consistency.
Cup profile: Caramel, Cinnamon, Citrus
Growing Region: Huila

Palmera EA Decaf is decaffeinated using the Ethyl Acetate (EA) process by the local company Descafecol SA in the town of Manizales, Caldas. The ethyl acetate used by Descafecol is produced using locally grown sugarcane. Ethyl acetate and spring water are the only substances which come into contact with the green coffee during decaffeination. EA decaffeination is a gentle process, leaving the cup profile of the coffee intact.
Cup profile: Caramel, Cinnamon, Citrus
Growing Region: Various Growing Regions

Coffee cherries being pulpedCoffee cherries getting pulped in Tarrazú, Costa Rica.

Costa Rica - Guanacaste

Guanacaste Core Coffee is sourced from smallholder producers to highlight the Washed coffee of Tarrazú, Costa Rica. The fertile, volcanic soils and rolling mountainsides of Tarrazú are well-suited for agriculture. Smallholder producers grow bananas, avocado, and citrus as well as coffee on properties passed between generations. The spirit of community and family is strong in Tarrazú, with producers caring for their land with pride. Influenced by the country’s Caribbean and Pacific coastlines and the many microclimates created by this unique geography, Costa Rican Washed coffees are known for their accessible flavor profile and creamy mouthfeel.
Cup profile: Almond, Caramel, Citrus
Growing Region: Tarrazú

Dried coffee cherries on raised drying bedsDried coffee cherries in the Yirgacheffe growing area of Ethiopia

Ethiopia - Acacia

Available in Natural and Washed process lots, Acacia Core Coffee carries all of the hallmarks of the best known offerings from the birthplace of coffee. Acacia is sourced from our exporting partners and their washing stations throughout the growing areas of Yirgacheffe and Guji. Coffee production in Ethiopia centers around these washing stations, where smallholder producers deliver their cherries to be processed and where many people from the nearby kebeles are employed. Coffee producers in Ethiopia typically farm on small plots of land using traditional techniques, manually harvesting their coffee selectively and working in accordance with their environment where coffee grows wild. The resulting lots of coffee represent the culture and traditions of coffee across Ethiopia’s southern coffee growing areas.

Acacia Natural is a fruit-forward Natural process green coffee with rich chocolate tones and a heavier body than its Washed process counterpart.
Cup profile: Berries, Honey, Milk Chocolate
Growing Regions: Guji, Yirgacheffe

Acacia Washed offers up the clean, complex, and delicate flavors rightfully associated with Washed process green coffees from Ethiopia.
Cup profile: Cane Sugar, Black Tea, Citrus
Growing Regions: Guji, Yirgacheffe

Coffee processing mill in the mountains of Huehuetenango, Guatemala
Coffee processing mill in the mountains of Huehuetenango, Guatemala

Guatemala - Ceiba

Ceiba Core Coffee is cultivated in the mountainous coffee growing region of Huehuetenango, Guatemala. In early Mayan and Mesoamerican cultures the Ceiba symbolized the connection between land and sky. Ceiba Core Coffee represents the work of smallholder producers across numerous municipalities in Huehuetenango, including many producers of indigenous descent who retain much of their pre-Hispanic cultural identity. Ceiba Core Coffee is a community lot which supports whole communities through the work of our sourcing partner, Unitrade, through programs like their NGO Coffee Care, and their continued support of producers recovering from the la roya coffee leaf rust epidemic. Washed coffees from Guatemala feature flavors of stone fruit, floral aromas, and a distinctive creamy body.
Cup profile: Stone Fruit, Chocolate, Creamy
Growing Region: Huehuetenango

Shop now for Core Coffees in 50 lb boxes at Ally Open for continental US customers, or visit Ally Coffee for full bag availability from international warehouses worldwide.

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