Ally Coffee Live on Instagram from Brazil

In May, Ally Coffee’s COO Ricardo Pereira traveled to Brazil to visit some of Ally’s producer partners along with Amanda Oliveira, Ally Coffee’s Brazil Green Coffee Buyer. We took the opportunity to go Live on Instagram from Fazenda Minamihara and Fazenda Bela Época in Alta Mogiana, and Fazenda Primavera in Chapada de Minas to talk about all sorts of topics and visit with some of the people who have worked to grow each farm into what they are today.

Anderson and Getulio Minamihara among flowering coffee trees
Anderson and Getulio Minamihara at Fazenda Minamihara

Fazenda Minamihara

At Fazenda Minamihara, Ricardo sat down with Getulio and Anderson Minamihara, father and son who work together in the farm’s operations, and Martha Grill, 2019 Brazilian Barista Champion who works now at the Fazenda. Getulio and Anderson discuss some of the family’s history that brought them to focus on coffee production in Alta Mogiana, as well as Getulio’s experience studying agrichemicals which pushed them initially in the direction of Organic farming. We also get to see many of the additions to the property that the Minamihara family have built, including their milling and storage areas, roasting space, and quality control lab. Tune into the IGTV replay to hear more about the farm, the story of their coffee production, and what they’re looking toward in the future.

Rows of coffee at Fazenda Bela Epoca
Rows of coffee at Fazenda Bela Época

Fazenda Bela Época

We were able to talk to several members of the Cunha family at Fazenda Bela Época, where the family has cultivated coffee now for three generations. The family shares their story of growing their coffee production and expanding their business over the years to include their own seedling business and nursery, which would eventually aid them in their move toward Organic farming. The seedling business allows for them to grow and experiment with a wide collection of coffee varieties, propelling them forward on their search for their perfect cultivar. Bela Época has also developed their own brand of roasted coffee to go along with their nursery, farming, processing, and milling. Tune in to the IGTV replay to check out all of Ricardo’s conversation, and to hear about the Cunha family’s goals for their farm.

Fazenda Primavera
Fazenda Primavera in Chapada de Minas, Brazil

Fazenda Primavera

While visiting Fazenda Primavera Ricardo was able to chat with Leo Montesanto, Founder of Coffee ++ and former CEO for the Montesanto Tavares Group farms which includes Fazenda Primavera. Leo directed Fazenda Primavera for a number of years, including when the farm won the Brazilian Cup of Excellence in 2018 and placed second in 2019 with their Gesha coffee. Fazenda Primavera is part of the same group of companies as Ally Coffee, the Montesanto Tavares Group, and we’re glad to be able to feature the incredible work that they do at Primavera and at all of the group’s farms. Check out the IGTV replay to hear Ricardo and Leo chat about coffee production, the work that goes into innovation and quality, and to see some of the beautiful views from around Primavera.

Visit our IGTV channel to see all of our content from Brazil, as well as our previous Lives from Costa Rica and Colombia!

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